Sunday, July 18, 2010

Anderson Folk Fest . . . Trinity Music Festival

We're back, almost one year later . . . Actually, we never left. But this blog got abandoned (which was my fault). But now I'm happy to report that we've had a pretty active summer and I think I speak for everyone when I say it feels like we have some momentum right now. Hopefully this will become a more regular place you can come to see pics, videos, and get some more insight about what we're doing than you might get from just visiting the facebook page.

Yesterday marked Grisham's first year together as a band, and there's really not a good way to briefly recap that year . . . It was full of variety. We played some shows for fairly large audiences, and then other shows for nobody (literally. Anyone remember The Gear? Probably not, because no one was there). We pushed our homemade EP and also recorded a few tracks that have yet to be released. We wrote a lot of new songs and started playing several of them live, while a bunch of new material is still on the back burner.

It's been a long journey. But we'd walk to you if we had no other way. Here's proof.

So that's our year in a paragraph. But let's talk about the last few days. Friday we packed up and went to Anderson for an outdoor show with Letting Love. It was an outdoor event, and despite being mosquito-infested we had a good time playing a longer set for some people who seemed to really appreciate it.

Then there was Saturday, which capped the end of a months-long battle of the bands with Star 88.3. While we didn't win, we did receive a recording package from Sweetwater, and I'd say we definitely all left with a really positive feeling about the day. Certain doors seem to be opening, and I think right now our prayer is just that we'd know the right steps to take, and be willing to put in the time and effort that we know it will take to make the most of the opportunities we have.

This has nothing to do with band things, but we went to Skyline Chili in Anderson and here are our thoughts:

Backstage at Trinity Festival:


p.s. Hire me Tincaps. I'll play right fielder just like this.

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